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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Carson Scholarships for 4 to 11 graders

Four thousand eight hundred scholarships and counting...

About Our Scholarships

The Carson Scholars Fund awards $1,000 college scholarships to students in grades 4-11 who excel academically and are dedicated to serving their communities.  Students then also receive the honor of being named "Carson Scholars" and are awarded with an Olympic-sized medal and a trophy for their school to celebrate their accomplishments. Previous winners of Carson Scholarships are eligible to reapply for a Carson Scholar Recognition annually, please visit the Scholar Alumni page for more information.

An interested student must be nominated by the principal at his or her school to be able to compete for a Carson Scholarship. Only one student from each school is able to apply, ensuring that each nominee epitomizes academic excellence. Carson Scholars must have a GPA of 3.75 and display humanitarian qualities through community service. Scholarships are awarded solely on the basis of academic achievement and humanitarian qualities, without regard to financial need or ethnicity.

If you are interested in learning more about the scholarship program, please view more detailed information for prospective scholars and educators.  More information can also be viewed about how torequest an application.