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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Now That You Fired The Teachers Enjoy Your Retirement

                                                                        March 25, 2012

Congratulations Carlos Garcia, now that you participated in laying one fourth of all teachers who received lay off notices in California, I hope you enjoy your retirement.  As reported in S.F. gate, March 15, 2012 Carranza is “hoping to agree on a contract within the next couple of weeksWouldn’t it be nice if teachers could rely or agree on their contract too?  You know that little thing that’s been battered and bruised overtime with Furlough days and Pay Freezes.

But I just want to refresh your memory before you started making July vacation plans  with your SFUSD money. There were over 40 teachers begging you to reconsider your position on Zone schools, including my nine-year old daughter, in regards to laying off teachers last March 13, 2012 at the San Francisco Board Meeting.  We asked you to listen to workers’ rights or to what Dennis Kelly, UESF President, has said to you at previous Board of Education Meetings, “Social Justice for some is Social Justice for none.”  However you went against that and now here we are teachers fighting each other over who deserves to keep their job.

I am at teacher Cleveland Elementary, which is experiencing teacher lay offs.  We are not part of a “Zone School” even though we have the same populations and statistics.  We are classified as a “Hard to Staff School”, have had a large amount of money poured into our school from SFUSD for English Development Trainings, as well as half our staff are participating in National Board Certification yet does any of this matter,No. 

Why should it? Your contract is up and its retirement party time!  Nevermind other teachers’ contracts are up and its Unemployment Line Time for them.  Either way congratulations on being done with SFUSD and having nine-years olds shame you in public.

Sunny Dawn
Union Representative and 3rd Grade Teacher for Cleveland Elementary

(emailed to Carlos Garcia, SF GATE Op ED, and SF Examiner OP ED today)

Saturday, March 10, 2012



Teacher Leaders

·                   Enlisting other teachers taking it back to school
·                   Link to technology networking/community resources
·                   Group think
·                   Union
·                   Limited time.  What can we really get accomplished.
·                   Meet with politicians
·                   What will the product be?
·                   We get a say to the district
·                   Press conference – feedback to media from TL
·                   Reaching out beyond SFUSD to other districts
·                   Is there an ultimate goal?

Teaching, Learning, Education

·                   Disparity urban/suburban
·                   Class warfare
·                   Lack of continuity – 5 years, 5 admins
·                   Corporations – schools as cash cow
·                   Charter schools
·                   Lack of training in cultural awareness.  Institutional racism
·                   Schools should be community schools
·                   Criminalization of youth b/c lack of resources
·                   Disparity between schools within district
·                   School safety
·                   Data that we can trust
·                   Reducing teacher cynicism
·                   Crisis in leadership – admin, superintendent, district initiatives
                       - Arne Duncan
                       - Bill Gates
·                   Teacher education
·                   Testing

Vision: Group A

·                   Teacher voices will be heard and deemed legitimate by policy makers, media and administrators (from site to federallevel)
·                   Holistic approach to student assessment – reallocate funds to books and the arts
·                   Teacher driven PD
·                   Creation of TL website

Vision: Group B

·                   Create community schools – provide community services (medical, therapy, etc)
·                   Major realignment of priorities and resources
·                   There is a holistic relationship between the micro-level and macro-level with accountability to be one another (i.e. politicians communicate with teacher speaker bureaus)
·                   Redesign administrative positions to better serve students and teacher needs (i.e. teacher input into principal evaluations)

Visions: Group C

·                   Building communication across differences.
·                   Working together, reflecting as school staff, community including institutions in our society to create, implement solutions for our children
·                   Support a diverse school for staff for our children
·                   Support holistic educational environment which ensures the needs of our children and school staff

Barriers to Reaching Our Vision

·                   Historical barriers affecting achievement gap
·                   Corporate reformers controlling the terms of debate
·                   Lack of teacher support (resources, time, etc.)
·                   Convincing public of public education being in public’s best interest
·                   Literacy and poverty in students’ lives
·                   Cultural norms/white liberal
·                   Learning how to create culturally relevant curriculum/pedagogy
·                   Reason for high dropout rates for Latinos/Blacks
·                   District hierarchy
·                   Revolving/turnover of admins
·                   Need for students to deal with trauma and stress (restorative justice?)
·                   Administration?  Overburdened?
·                   Lack of trust in system
·                   Lack of clear communication?  Collaboration

Friday, March 9, 2012

Good Video of March 5th!

Good Video of March 5th!


Friday, March 09, 2012

Cleveland Elementary teacher Sunny Dawn takes the fight for full funding for
education to Sacramento as part of the March 5th day of action.

Rally at the Board of Education - March 13th - 5 p.m.
Stand Together Against Arbitrary Layoff

UESF Statement on LayoffsBoard of Ed Approves 494 Layoffs, Skips Zone Schools
Ignores Basic Union Right for Arbitrary Lines

UESF/SFUSD Negotiations PageSFUSD Demands Balloon to $35.6 million
UESF Internal Elections: CFT, CTA, and AFT conventins election about to get underway
UESF Conference March 10th: Shaping Our Educational Future
Just added: free flat screen TV for raffle!

UESF represents more than 6,000 San Francisco Unified School District employees including teachers, counselors, security aides, psychologists, community relations specialists, instructional aides, nurses, and speech pathologists and therapists.

Union News & Information:
Teacher of the Month Nominations Open - Nominate a fellow teacher who goes above and beyond the call of duty for a Teacher of the Month award from Mayor Ed Lee.
Diane Ravitch, noted critic of current corporate reform efforts in our schools, came to the Herbst theatre to encourage educators to keep up the good fight on January 19th. Video Highlights | KQED interview below:

Help Creative Arts Charter school rebuild and resupply - December 22nd fire has left school in need of books, supplies, and fundss
Scholarships for UESF Members & Their Dependents - From the CFT, CTA, AFT ,& AFL-CIO - First due date - January10, 2012.
UESF Secretary Susan Solomon speaks up for our schools at the Interfaith Celebration of Light on December 19th.
No on Prop. H Prevails! - Measure Fails to Pass After Strong Final Sure for No Vote
Take the UESF Community Outreach Survey - Help UESF build community support for the work we do in our schools
Media from rally for public education outside of Bush/Murdoch event in SF
CTA YouTube Video | KTVU Ch. 2 | Beyond Chron | SF Chron | KQED | Photos
2011-2012 Teacher FAQ & Para FAQ- A condensed guide to navigting the SFUSD, updated for this school year.
Free Financial Workshops on Retirement Planning for UESF Members - Understanding CalSTRS - February 23rd.
SFUSD Job Openings: Certificate search both SFUSD & Search Soft | Classified
UESF members rallied for a single payer healthcare system on June 16th. Watch thevideo. Check out the website:
Tax Scofflaws- UESF analysis on how dozens of SF commercial landholders are
attempting to shirk their tax responsibilities

UESF's New Inclusion Policy Statement - Detailing recommendations to the SFUSD as they consider a new inclusion plan
UESF Resolution on MAP Assessments - Opposing the mandatory use of the Measure of Academic Progress assessments
Speaking up for Paras - Teanna Tillery speaks up for paras and the great work they do
everyday in the SFUSD
April 4th - 'We Are One' March & Rally - Photos | Video | KTVU Report
Community Boards - Free mediation services for UESF members to help resolve conflicts at the workplace.
Not Waiting For Superman - Setting the Record Straight & Standing Up for Our Public Schools
Know the Rights of Immigrant Youth - Information on the rights of immigrant youth from the Asian Law Caucus. See also, The Rights of Undocumented Youth at Juvenile Hall.
Teacher Perspective: Lowell HS teacher Ken Tray is interviewed about how shortening the school year is a difficult compromise for students and educators:
Help Repeal the Social Security Offset – As many as 1/3 of UESF members will lose up to 40% of their Social Security benefits because of the unfair GPO and WEP offsets.
Ongoing Enrollment for Commuter Benefits - Save up to 40% on commuting costs.
SFUSD Special Olympics Expanding - Feature story in the June 09 SF Educator. To watch the Comcast SportsNet special, click here and follow the 'CSN Features' tab to see the video, which is titled 'Special Olympics Segment #1: Teachers.'
Sign the petition to support the Employee Free Choice Act - The Employee Free Choice Act is critical legislation that would give more workers a way to form unions and negotiate for better wages, healthcare, and working conditions.
 U.S. Labor Against the War - 10-minute slide show details the real price of the Iraq occupation, the war on terror, and military spending.
 Guide to School Safety - This CTA guide includes all of the relevant California Education code sections that deal with safety, including school district responsibilities, prohibitions against violence and disruption, and educator's rights and responsibilities.
Homeownership for Teachers & Paras - Find out the resources available to you as an educator in San Francisco, including a new $20,000 subsidy for teachers.
UESF Photos - Photographs of UESF members in the schools, on the town, and across the country.
UBC Election Process - Guide for teachers and paras at school sites to conduct Union Building Committee Elections, including information about adjunct elections.
Building Power from the Ground Up - A discussion of the power and potential of our Union Building Committees, reprinted from the December 2006 edition of the SF Educator.
SFUSD job openings: Certificated search both SFUSD & Search Soft | Classified - Updated daily
UESF Guide to Reviewing Your Paycheck - Step by step instruction on how to read and understand your SFUSD paycheck (for certificated employees)

UESF Videos
Rally for Local 2 Workers – UESF members rally and take arrests for San Francisco hotel workers, to bring attention to their contract fight. (January 5, 2010)
'Cattle Call in Kindergarten' – Yick Wo kindergarten teacher Susie Siegel and other teachers speak out against the district's proposed increases in kindergarten class size. (April 28, 2009)
'No Pink Slips' – a two part video covering our March 11, 2008 rally against the Governor's proposed budget cuts.
Lowell High School Teacher Ken Tray and UESF President Dennis Kelly speak out about the Governor's proposed budget cuts- January 10, 2008.
A short video that City College instructor, and UESF friend, Bill Carpenter shot of our April 24, 2007 rally at the SF School Board.
UESF members speak up for a fair contract at the February 27, 2007 Board of Education meeting.
A UESF video that details the accomplishments of San Francisco's public school educators over the 2005-2006 school year.

Official minutes of Assembly and Executive Board meetings
Please send your ideas and comments regarding what would be useful to you on this web site to UESF'swebmaster.