25, 2012
Congratulations Carlos Garcia, now that you
participated in laying one fourth of all teachers who received lay off notices
in California, I hope you enjoy your retirement. As reported in S.F. gate, March 15, 2012 Carranza is “hoping to agree on a contract within the next couple of weeks” Wouldn’t it be nice if teachers
could rely or agree on their contract too? You know that little thing that’s been battered and bruised
overtime with Furlough days and Pay Freezes.
But I just
want to refresh your memory before you started making July vacation plans with your SFUSD money. There were over
40 teachers begging you to reconsider your position on Zone schools, including
my nine-year old daughter, in regards to laying off teachers last March 13,
2012 at the San Francisco Board Meeting.
We asked you to listen to workers’ rights or to what Dennis Kelly, UESF
President, has said to you at previous Board of Education Meetings, “Social
Justice for some is Social Justice for none.” However you went against that and now here we are teachers
fighting each other over who deserves to keep their job.
I am at
teacher Cleveland Elementary, which is experiencing teacher lay offs. We are not part of a “Zone School” even
though we have the same populations and statistics. We are classified as a “Hard to Staff School”, have had a
large amount of money poured into our school from SFUSD for English Development
Trainings, as well as half our staff are participating in National Board
Certification yet does any of this matter,No.
Why should
it? Your contract is up and its retirement party time! Nevermind other teachers’ contracts are
up and its Unemployment Line Time for them. Either way congratulations on being done with SFUSD and
having nine-years olds shame you in public.
Sunny Dawn
Representative and 3rd Grade Teacher for Cleveland Elementary
(emailed to Carlos Garcia, SF GATE Op ED, and SF Examiner OP ED today)