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UESF represents more than 6,000 San Francisco Unified School District employees including teachers, counselors, security aides, psychologists, community relations specialists, instructional aides, nurses, and speech pathologists and therapists.
Union News & Information:
Teacher of the Month Nominations Open - Nominate a fellow teacher who goes above and beyond the call of duty for a Teacher of the Month award from Mayor Ed Lee.
Diane Ravitch, noted critic of current corporate reform efforts in our schools, came to the Herbst theatre to encourage educators to keep up the good fight on January 19th. Video Highlights | KQED interview below:
SFUSD Job Openings: Certificate search both SFUSD & Search Soft | Classified UESF members rallied for a single payer healthcare system on June 16th. Watch thevideo. Check out the website: www.singlepayernow.net. Tax Scofflaws- UESF analysis on how dozens of SF commercial landholders are attempting to shirk their tax responsibilities UESF's New Inclusion Policy Statement - Detailing recommendations to the SFUSD as they consider a new inclusion plan UESF Resolution on MAP Assessments - Opposing the mandatory use of the Measure of Academic Progress assessments
Teacher Perspective: Lowell HS teacher Ken Tray is interviewed about how shortening the school year is a difficult compromise for students and educators:
Help Repeal the Social Security Offset – As many as 1/3 of UESF members will lose up to 40% of their Social Security benefits because of the unfair GPO and WEP offsets.
SFUSD Special Olympics Expanding - Feature story in the June 09 SF Educator. To watch the Comcast SportsNet special, click here and follow the 'CSN Features' tab to see the video, which is titled 'Special Olympics Segment #1: Teachers.'
Sign the petition to support the Employee Free Choice Act - The Employee Free Choice Act is critical legislation that would give more workers a way to form unions and negotiate for better wages, healthcare, and working conditions.
U.S. Labor Against the War - 10-minute slide show details the real price of the Iraq occupation, the war on terror, and military spending.
Guide to School Safety - This CTA guide includes all of the relevant California Education code sections that deal with safety, including school district responsibilities, prohibitions against violence and disruption, and educator's rights and responsibilities.
Homeownership for Teachers & Paras - Find out the resources available to you as an educator in San Francisco, including a new $20,000 subsidy for teachers.
UESF Photos - Photographs of UESF members in the schools, on the town, and across the country.
UBC Election Process - Guide for teachers and paras at school sites to conduct Union Building Committee Elections, including information about adjunct elections.
Building Power from the Ground Up - A discussion of the power and potential of our Union Building Committees, reprinted from the December 2006 edition of the SF Educator.
Rally for Local 2 Workers – UESF members rally and take arrests for San Francisco hotel workers, to bring attention to their contract fight. (January 5, 2010)
'Cattle Call in Kindergarten' – Yick Wo kindergarten teacher Susie Siegel and other teachers speak out against the district's proposed increases in kindergarten class size. (April 28, 2009)
'No Pink Slips' – a two part video covering our March 11, 2008 rally against the Governor's proposed budget cuts.
Lowell High School Teacher Ken Tray and UESF President Dennis Kelly speak out about the Governor's proposed budget cuts- January 10, 2008.
A short video that City College instructor, and UESF friend, Bill Carpenter shot of our April 24, 2007 rally at the SF School Board.
UESF members speak up for a fair contract at the February 27, 2007 Board of Education meeting.
A UESF video that details the accomplishments of San Francisco's public school educators over the 2005-2006 school year.
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