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Thursday, September 27, 2012

CFT News about Election

Inside CFT
September 26, 2012
Campaign 2012 logoAn election campaign message from CFT president Joshua Pechthalt:

I have recently returned from the national AFT Executive Council meeting in Washington D.C., and in addition to catching you up on our election campaign in California I wanted to report on a couple other matters of interest to you from elsewhere in the country.

Chicago strike
The heroic fight of Chicago educators was a central topic at the AFT Executive Council meeting.  As many Council members noted, the Chicago Teachers Union strike helped remind us that organizing, building alliances with parents and community members and putting people in the streets to fight on behalf of principle have always been—and remain—essential elements of the labor movement. CTU President Karen Lewis was given a heroine’s welcome, and she made of point of thanking AFT President Randi Weingarten, the AFT and the entire labor movement for their support.  CFT sent a financial contribution to CTU and a participant/observer to Chicago, as well as a letter to Rahm Emanuel demanding that he bargain in good faith with the CTU.  

While the CTU did not get everything it wanted, the outcome is clearly better for teachers, students and parents than it would have been without a strike.  A substantial raise, a commitment that half of the teachers hired in new and newly reopened schools would be from the ranks of laid off teachers, and a reduction in the percentage of teacher evaluation based on student test scores, were all important differences compared to the district’s offer before the strike.  And for once, the national media conversation on education reform wasn’t dominated by non-teachers.  More information.

To underscore the need for building community alliances, hundreds of parents, students and community members from around the country came to the nation’s Capitol to express their opposition to school closings that disproportionately punish children of color in poor and working class communities.   Many community members then joined President Weingarten and the AFT Executive Council for a press conference to reaffirm the need for parents and teachers to work together for education reform that values students and teachers rather than the market driven reforms being promoted by many politicians, corporations and wealthy individuals.

Election campaign
The CFT’s locals are in full election gear now, and there are some especially inspirational tales to share.  Hats off to the San Diego AFT Guild's phone-banking efforts.  Local president Jim Mahler reports that they have been making about 1,000 calls per day:  “So far we are at about 12,000 calls.  We have called our local members (current and past), and Palomar classified and faculty locals.”  And demonstrating the importance of solidarity, the Oxnard Federation of Teachers, AFT Local 1273, is working hard to elect Steve Hall, president of neighboring AFT Local 1828, the Ventura County Federation of College Teachers, to their school board!  Local 1273 members have been getting the word out about Yes on 30, No on 32, and Steve Hall for School Board by talking to members one-on-one at school sites and participating in precinct walks.  Next week, they plan to expand their program by adding phone banking, and they will be calling members and urging them to support Steve for school board.

New CFT election website
The CFT has launched a special election website, Go here for a simple voter guide for YOUR ballot of CFT endorsed candidates and proposition.  By clicking on the voter guide button and typing in your address you get a personalized endorsement list.  Also to be found here:  campaign toolkits for YES on Prop 30 and NO on Prop 32, and contact information for the local election staff who can help you get plugged into activities in this critical election.

University of California YES on Prop 30 Day of Action, October 16
The UC-AFT, representing lecturers and librarians in the University of California system, is supporting a Yes on Prop 30 Day of Action, October 16.  Throughout the state the UC campuses will bring the issues involved in Prop 30 to public attention with rallies, teach-ins, speak-outs, and more.  Click here for a flyer.   

I know you are working hard, as always, to educate California’s students.  But if you can find the time to spend just a few hours phone-banking, handing out flyers, or talking with your family and friends and neighbors about Proposition 30 (YES!) and Proposition 32 (NO!) your job—the jobs of all educators in California—will become better supported after November 6.  

In solidarity,

Joshua Pechthalt, president
California Federation of Teachers

Enter The Great AKJ Books Giveaway

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We're Giving Books Away!
Enter The Great AKJ Books Giveaway TODAY!
 Giveaway Girl   
Act fast for your chance to win
100 FREE books for your classroom!
Enter by October 12, 2012 for the chance to win free books delivered at no charge to your school. Three lucky schools will be winners of the grand prize...100 FREE books. A lucky runner-up will also be selected and will receive 25 FREE books!
Entering is simple, just fill out the entry form found at Entries can be emailed or mailed, but must be recieved by October 12, 2012. Submit your entry today to enter this fantastic contest.
 computer girl 

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Check Out Our Sample Entry

Hungry Caterpillar
Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar allows me to design interdisciplinary instruction while exposing students to a timeless classic. I like to incorporate an arts and crafts element after our classroom read-aloud to connect the children to the story while working on fine motor skills. To promote fluency and engage the childrens' imaginations, we act out the plot. I extend the book into mathematics by including a unit on counting. Of course, this text is a perfect segue into a biology unit in the sciences. I set up our caterpillar-to-butterfly experiment during this time, as well as a number of nonfiction readings on the stages of metamorphosis. A classic like this has no limits!

Entries will be judged primarily on creativity and integration across the curriculum, and entries with video, photography and/or children's artwork will be given special consideration.

Deadline:  October 12, 2012.

Want to learn more about The Great AKJ Books Giveaway? Visit our And if you want to learn more about what you can find, visit us to browse over 100,000 titles and 45,000 eBooks plus Audiobooks, Teacher Resources, Games and More! 

NOTE: By entering The Great AKJ Books Giveaway you expressly give your consent for AKJ Books to post your entry on Entries that include photos, videos or full names of children will be considered invalid.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Let's show our strength

Reform Immigration FOR America  
Let's show our strength

We're just 42 days away from the election, and making our voices heard at the polls this year could not be more important.

The closer we get to Election Day, the clearer our choice becomes. Candidates who surround themselves with advisors like SB 1070 architect Kris Kobach, compare immigrants to animals, attack the DREAM Act and endorse policies of "self-deportation" will use their power solely to move our communities and our country backwards.

Make sure you're registered to vote -- we must stop these proposals from become a reality in America.

By showing our numbers -- and our values -- at the polls, we can demand real leadership and real action from Congress to take on comprehensive immigration reform.

There's only one way to make sure -- we must register and vote. 

With hope,

Donna De La Cruz
Reform Immigration FOR America
We're fighting to fix our broken immigration system, but we can't win without you! 
CONTRIBUTE $20 TODAY to help fund future actions like this.

Karen Lewis Breaks It Down (Video of Speech at Strike Rally 9/15/12)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Legal Services to School Districts

Legal Services

Legal representation to school districts in the area of Student Issues: 
  • Advising school districts on issues related to student discipline
  • Special education discipline
  • Legal representation at disciplinary administrative hearings of school sites, Administrative Panels, and/or Governing Boards
  • County appeals of disciplinary decisions 
  • Section 504 
  • Inter/intra district transfers 
  • Homelessness/foster youth issues
  • Medication monitoring
  • Pupil records 
  • Public records requests
  • Responding to subpoenas
  • Revisions to Board Policies and Administrative Regulations and many others

How Children Succeed Radio Episode

Hi teachers-
I'm a big fan of This American Life and I just listened to a recent episode that I think you all might enjoy.
It's about educating children who live in stressful situations- i.e. poverty. It talks about the importance of non-cognitive skills.
There is mention of the 'marshmallow test' and they interview Paul Tough about his new book How Children Succeed
It's free and incredibly interesting. Here's the link-

Robyn F.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Excellent Hip Hop Track for Chicago Teachers!

UESF Neighborhood Precinct walking is this Saturday


This is a reminder that the UESF Neighborhood Precinct walking is this Saturday.  We meet at noon at 162 West Portal Avenue, that's between 14th Avenue and Santa Clara Avenue.
(San Francisco, CA.)
There will be refreshments and a brief program before we go out to walk precincts.  We'll pair up, there will be a script to use, and the precincts have been targeted for likely friendly voters.

We need to get this done.  As you probably heard from our messages last night, the infamous Koch brothers political action fund dumped in $4 million last week to pass Proposition 32.  They want it both ways, that under the Citizen's United Supreme Court decision, money is political speech and can't be limited but unions should be prevented from participating in the political process.

We truly need your help to win this fight.  

By the way, if this email is reaching you on your work email account, its because we don't have your personal email address. We prefer to conduct union business on personal email.  Employers have the legal right and technical means to intercept, block, and examine emails in bound and out bound from their email servers.  If you send or receive email through a non-employer email provider, the only way they get to that email is if they're hooked into the security apparat or they get a court order or if you're unguarded enough to store copies of your email on your employer-provided computer.


Eric M. Hall
Senior Field Representative
Phone: 415-956-8373
Facsimile: 415-956-8374

Excellent Interview on the end of Chicago Stike!
See interview of Karen Lewis by Amy Goodman

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pictures of Chicago Strike

Koch brothers want to take over California!

The news broke late Friday. Charles and David Koch -- the billionaire oil tycoons responsible for the right-wing assault in Wisconsin -- have declared war on democracy in California. They dumped $4 million into the campaign to pass Proposition 32, a ballot measure that, if passed, guarantees unfettered corporate domination of California politics by eliminating worker participation.
Will you join us in sending a message to Mitt and his Koch puppet masters that we will not let this stand? Tonight, Mitt Romney is visiting Orange County to raise money. We'll greet him as we did Speaker Boehner last year, by flying Air Courage over his event with a banner that reads "MITT + KOCH = PROP 32 WAYS TO BUY CA -COURAGE CAMPAIGN". Last time we flew a plane above a major Republican fundraiser, we got national media coverage from MSNBC and others. If we can even come close to that again, we will take a huge step toward educating California voters about Prop 32.
We know California is a blue state. We have to get everyone that supports President Obama to vote NO on Prop 32. The scariest thing about Prop 32 is that it initially sounds like a good idea. The corporate moneymen who cooked it up have labeled it "campaign finance reform," claiming it would take money out of politics and running deceptive ads day and night.
We all know that campaign finance reform is desperately needed. Prop 32 does the exact opposite. It takes labor completely out of California politics, knocking down the only institution that can effectively fight back against corporate lobbyists. Courage members voted by 94% to oppose Prop 32, but we have to educate the broader public.
Prop 32 is just the beginning. Once they knock unions out of the way, the Koch brothers, Mitt Romney, and their ilk will intensify the corporate war on California's leading environmental regulations, labor standards, and consumer protections. And it's not just progressives that realize Prop 32 is a sick, dishonest attempt to manipulate us. Newspapers across the country have labeled it "Citizens United on steroids" and worse.¹
The Lincoln Club of Orange County sponsored Citizens United, knowing that a win would lead to the horrifying deluge of SuperPAC ads we're now enduring. The Lincoln Club is also is a driving force behind Prop 32, and they know darn well what comes next if they win. Say no to the Kochs. Say no to the corporate buy out of California.
Thanks for all you do,
Rick Jacobs
Chair and Founder, Courage Campaign
Paid for by Courage Campaign Issues Committee.

SF Teachers Campaign and Solidarity with Chicago Newsletter

UESF logo
United Educators of
San Francisco eNews
September 17, 2012
Election Campaign Kickoff - 12 Noon Saturday, September 22
162 West Portal Ave.

The stakes for the November election couldn't be higher. It will take an all-out effort from teachers and paras to make sure that our schools get the funding we need (Yes on 30!), that our political voice is not silenced (No on 32!), and that we elect a new school board (Yes on Haney, Popek, Rodriguez and Walton).
Join your fellow educators to get the ball rolling this election season at UESF's Election Campaign Kickoff on September 22nd. We'll meet at 12 noon at 162 West Portal Ave., hold a brief rally, and then be out in the neighborhoods, educating voters about what is now being widely regarded as 'The Education Election.'
RSVP, to or call 956-8373.
Election Pledge
Take the pledge to stand with fellow educators and public education supporters this November.
Neighborhood Walk & Phonebank Schedule
Following UESF's campaign kickoff on September 22nd, we will have weekly phonebank nights on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays and neighborhood walks on Saturdays through the election.
Join us for phonebanking next week at 5:30 p.m. on September 24th, 25th, and 27th at 350 Rhode Island St. (enter from Kansas). Dinner included.
Join us for our the second neighborhood walk on October 29th, when we walk from the Christina Olague campaign headquarters at 425 Divisadero St., suite 301.
To RSVP for a phonebank or precinct walk night, contact UESF Political Director Ken Tray at or call 956-8373.
• Chicago Strike Update - As Chicago teachers and paras enter their second week of striking, it is more important than ever that educators across the country stand firm by their side. You can donate directly to the CTU solidarity fund. Also, make sure to read UESF President Dennis Kelly and Political Director Ken Tray in BeyondChron, as they explain how the Chicago teachers strike reaches all the way to San Francisco, in an article titled "Chicago Strike Comes at Crossroads For Our Schools". If you took a staff photo in support of Chicago teachers and paras, please email it to
Galileo HS for Chicago teachers
Galileo High School demonstrating for teachers and paras in Chicago.
• Special UESF-Sponsored PD on Supporting Grieving Children - September 27th for Elementary School teachers, September 28th for non-classroom certificated staff. On September 27th, UESF will co-sponsor a very special Professional Development opportunity for San Francisco Elementary School teachers titled, "Supporting Grieving Children in Our Classrooms: A Practical Workshop."
The workshop features Dr. David Schonfeld, the Director of the National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement. Teachers must register for the training in teams of two from the same school. On September 28th, the workshop will be given for non-classroom certificated staff. For more information on the September 27th training, and to apply, click here. For more information on the September 28th training, click here.
Free financial advice for UESF members - Nathan Ladyzhensky of Mosher Financial will offer free financial advice to UESF members this school year every Tuesday from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the UESF office. To make arrangements to meet with Nathan, send an email to

Please print, copy, post and share with UESF colleagues who are not receiving UESF emails.

United Educators of San Francisco 
2310 Mason Street 
San Francisco, CA 94133
Facebook TwitterFlickr
Click here to subscribe to UESF emails

Friday, September 14, 2012

SF Union supports Chicago Union Strike!!!

Chicago Strike Comes at Crossroads For Our Schools by Beyond Chron

Chicago Strike Comes at Crossroads For Our Schools 
by Dennis Kelly and Ken Tray‚ Sep. 14‚ 2012 
Beyond Chron
Review it on NewsTrust  
The current strike by public school teachers in Chicago comes at a crossroads for public education in this country. The national media is busily portraying a fairy tale version of that difficult situation: the evil, greedy, teachers as making outrageous demands for more pay while refusing to be held accountable to their students. Meanwhile, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, in his suit of shining armor, is portrayed as having a will of steel, boldly representing the best interest of students.

In fact, the teachers in Chicago aren’t striking primarily over money, or even over a longer school day, as is suggested in the press. They are striking because they want smaller class sizes, more services for their students, and a well-rounded curriculum. They are striking because instead of working with them on these issues, Mayor Emanuel instead seeks to radically re-invent Chicago’s public schools by tying teacher evaluations to test scores, instituting merit pay based on those test scores, and opening privately-managed schools to replace low-performing schools. 

Though all the rage these days, these reforms—or what education researcher Diane Ravitch calls “deforms-- have never been shown to be effective in broad-based, independent research. What is clear is that such measures force teachers to narrow curriculum, to teach to the test, and to take all of the joy out of learning. The students who need the most help, the most dynamic curriculum, and the most dynamic teaching, instead are force fed rote lesson plans designed to help them fill in bubbles on tests and marginally increase scores.

Mayor Emanuel may have overplayed his hand in Chicago, but the same type of policies he seeks to implement are spreading across the country, even here in the liberal bastion of San Francisco. 

Last spring, teachers and paraprofessionals in San Francisco were nearly forced to go out on strike to protect the fundamental building blocks of our public schools. In contract negotiations, with the blessing of the School Board, the district sought to raise Kindergarten to Third grade class sizes by up to 25%, to permanently eliminate vital supports for High School students, and to radically restructure the Early Education program by eliminating the guarantee for summer-time instruction. Such cuts were called at the same time the district was handing our raises to central office staff, and central office spending was budgeted to increase by over 4%.

The members of United Educators of San Francisco voted 97% in the first of two strike votes, and were prepared for a strike to open this school year. Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed in the SFUSD and the district dropped most of their more outrageous demands. 

The teachers and paraprofessionals in San Francisco are proud to stand with the public school educators in Chicago (link to resolution: Like the brave teachers in Chicago, we are being pro-active in helping to reform our schools. 

We’ve strengthened teacher evaluations, we’ve worked hard to improve curriculum, we continue to promote community schools with wrap around services, and we’ve done everything we can to fight for adequate funding for our schools. 

Demonizing teachers in their quest to better serve students is only a short step from demonizing students for needing all this help. Those who travel such a disastrous path had better know that it leads to a future that lies at the bottom after a long drop off a high cliff. 

This is not the path we want for our schools, our future, and our children.

Dennis Kelly is President of the United Educators of San Francisco. Ken Tray is UESF Political Director

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

It is with this hope and on this “September 11th Day”,

As I start my career in instructional leadership in the year of the “Apocalypse“ I have been searching for a mantra to keep my light from burning out. Such as, “To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness. What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives,” Howard Zinn once said. 
I can’t think of any model leader, I’ve witnessed from a far or worked with directly, that hasn’t modeled these aspects of compassion and kindness.  Additionally, when reflecting on the struggle for change we can not note the sacrifices made for us to constantly move forward. Yet as I move forward I must acknowledge and use Zinn’s words as a mantra, we must “be hopeful in bad times…”
I look to leaders such as Howard Zinn because he was not only part of larger societal revolutionary age in the U.S.A, but he was in constant reflection of how education should be talked about and approached as I hope to do in my instructional leadership capacities. He never was the type of instructional leader that said, “o.k. this is what you should do.” No, he reflected in groups that he was a part of.  He constantly made attempts to build connections and be a part of a group that did action in solidarity movements. When he did speak out as Professor or publish as Human Rights activist it was because he wanted the real truth of the human struggle to be a part of the education dialogue.
It is in this truth about struggle and human condition that I study leadership and find myself dedicated to instructional leadership. I want to know how truthful I can be in an instructional leadership role with core democratic principles as well as knowing that it does take sacrifice from many players to make the process happen.
The field of change, or instructional leadership, not only takes complete courage but a humbleness as well because everyone has an opinion about education. I want to see as more layers are peeled back and more windows of opportunities are given to me, how much can I still stay true to impacting society in a conscious, compassionate, and courageous way because in moving forward with my leadership I know if those key elements are not involved I feel defeated regardless of the outcome.
Lately I have had opportunities to see really bad instructional leaders and some good ones, as I have visited over 20 schools in the past 2 weeks.  You can tell when a staff or its student body feels respected and heard by its principal the minute you walk onto the grounds of these schools, which range from High Schools to Elementary schools.  Although I have no idea what goes on behind the scenes of some of these schools the tone of compassionate leadership is so present or not present that as an educator I can not miss it.  It is in these moments that I always take a moment to reflect what kind of leadership I see present or lacking and wonder what I would do if I was the leader in some of these schools.
As I humbly start my MA studies in leadership I must remember that although I may see things so differently than other leaders we all do have one thing in common. The common thread of HOPE is our reason for education.  It is with this hope and on this “September 11th Day”, I will balance the year of 2012 and all its educational promise.

Friday, September 7, 2012

CALLING ALL TEACHERS!!! Phone banking our members!!! 9/18 and 9/20

350 Rhode Island
9/18 and 9/20 (TUES/THURS.)
5 to 8 p.m.
To let our members know about Prop. 30 and 32 and Campaign Kick off on 9/22

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Solution Driven Unionsim: Wiengarten Speech....

"Solution Driven Unionism", the Mathematical title alone sounds like a bad antibiotic, that over time, the Anti Teacher Virus will become immune to.

We need a more powerful slogan as a National Union in my opinion.  I'm a little upset that my union has adopted this passive statement.