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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Let's show our strength

Reform Immigration FOR America  
Let's show our strength

We're just 42 days away from the election, and making our voices heard at the polls this year could not be more important.

The closer we get to Election Day, the clearer our choice becomes. Candidates who surround themselves with advisors like SB 1070 architect Kris Kobach, compare immigrants to animals, attack the DREAM Act and endorse policies of "self-deportation" will use their power solely to move our communities and our country backwards.

Make sure you're registered to vote -- we must stop these proposals from become a reality in America.

By showing our numbers -- and our values -- at the polls, we can demand real leadership and real action from Congress to take on comprehensive immigration reform.

There's only one way to make sure -- we must register and vote. 

With hope,

Donna De La Cruz
Reform Immigration FOR America
We're fighting to fix our broken immigration system, but we can't win without you! 
CONTRIBUTE $20 TODAY to help fund future actions like this.

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