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Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day! I celebrated Saturday with Terry Baum re-registering me back to Green Party!

Yesterday in San Francisco at the S.F. Mime Troupe performance in Dolores  Park I re-registered as Green Party.  Terry Baum who is running for mayor of S.F. supported by the Green Party checked over everything as she was also explaining her infrastructure ideas for the downtown of S.F.  We had some definite hard questions regarding Terry's ideals for the 6th and Market artists in residence spaces. Like where are all those low income people supposed to go?

Terry Baum has some great ideas for how to get S.F. to be the first city to go completely green.  However she does not really have the marginalized people of S.F. in the forefront of her mind.  It was an interesting conversation right before S.F. Mime troupe were to go on and perform in rock star outfits about Obama's Corporate greed and the SUPERHERO: Working Class Man's fight against him.  What struck me was her down to earthness which maybe it comes with being an lesbian playwright backed by the green party.  Who knows?  I do know that the volunteer (who was sweating his ass off) for the Avalos campaign couldn't be bothered with talking about the issues that were dear to my heart, Education in the Excelsior.  I asked what Avalos has done for his own district, The Excelsior, since I'm a teacher their and my "low income East side, Hard to Staff" school had experienced deep cuts and no politician has been there for these people.
His reply "well I from the Excelsior-Bernal Heights" area and I know he is present. My reply, "the Excelsior is not exactly Bernal Heights".

You can see fill in the rest of the conversation (if you're form S.F.)... if not then imagine white yuppy guy who has beers with Avalos in yuppy bar annoyed I won't sign the petition so he can move on to a person holding a beer in Dolores Park.

The point I'm trying to make is remember we are celebrating our independence today and be careful who we put in office because independence is on the chopping block this day and age.  We need to be the voice asking but what about the low income populations....

It was interesting how Terry Baum took my contact information after I told her I was thinking about becoming a Union Rep. for my school and trying to register parents at my Elem. school in the Excelsior.

MY Fourth of July 2011 Weekend is the beginning of this conversation... To be cont'd as I put my foot in other people's mouth during election time.


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