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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

SF Teachers Campaign and Solidarity with Chicago Newsletter

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United Educators of
San Francisco eNews
September 17, 2012
Election Campaign Kickoff - 12 Noon Saturday, September 22
162 West Portal Ave.

The stakes for the November election couldn't be higher. It will take an all-out effort from teachers and paras to make sure that our schools get the funding we need (Yes on 30!), that our political voice is not silenced (No on 32!), and that we elect a new school board (Yes on Haney, Popek, Rodriguez and Walton).
Join your fellow educators to get the ball rolling this election season at UESF's Election Campaign Kickoff on September 22nd. We'll meet at 12 noon at 162 West Portal Ave., hold a brief rally, and then be out in the neighborhoods, educating voters about what is now being widely regarded as 'The Education Election.'
RSVP, to or call 956-8373.
Election Pledge
Take the pledge to stand with fellow educators and public education supporters this November.
Neighborhood Walk & Phonebank Schedule
Following UESF's campaign kickoff on September 22nd, we will have weekly phonebank nights on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays and neighborhood walks on Saturdays through the election.
Join us for phonebanking next week at 5:30 p.m. on September 24th, 25th, and 27th at 350 Rhode Island St. (enter from Kansas). Dinner included.
Join us for our the second neighborhood walk on October 29th, when we walk from the Christina Olague campaign headquarters at 425 Divisadero St., suite 301.
To RSVP for a phonebank or precinct walk night, contact UESF Political Director Ken Tray at or call 956-8373.
• Chicago Strike Update - As Chicago teachers and paras enter their second week of striking, it is more important than ever that educators across the country stand firm by their side. You can donate directly to the CTU solidarity fund. Also, make sure to read UESF President Dennis Kelly and Political Director Ken Tray in BeyondChron, as they explain how the Chicago teachers strike reaches all the way to San Francisco, in an article titled "Chicago Strike Comes at Crossroads For Our Schools". If you took a staff photo in support of Chicago teachers and paras, please email it to
Galileo HS for Chicago teachers
Galileo High School demonstrating for teachers and paras in Chicago.
• Special UESF-Sponsored PD on Supporting Grieving Children - September 27th for Elementary School teachers, September 28th for non-classroom certificated staff. On September 27th, UESF will co-sponsor a very special Professional Development opportunity for San Francisco Elementary School teachers titled, "Supporting Grieving Children in Our Classrooms: A Practical Workshop."
The workshop features Dr. David Schonfeld, the Director of the National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement. Teachers must register for the training in teams of two from the same school. On September 28th, the workshop will be given for non-classroom certificated staff. For more information on the September 27th training, and to apply, click here. For more information on the September 28th training, click here.
Free financial advice for UESF members - Nathan Ladyzhensky of Mosher Financial will offer free financial advice to UESF members this school year every Tuesday from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the UESF office. To make arrangements to meet with Nathan, send an email to

Please print, copy, post and share with UESF colleagues who are not receiving UESF emails.

United Educators of San Francisco 
2310 Mason Street 
San Francisco, CA 94133
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