Drop box from AFT, all documents/PDFS from Common Core Stakeholders Conf. in Balitmore at above link!
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Monday, July 30, 2012
Thursday, July 12, 2012
how did Teacher Unions become the AntiChrist Overnight?
Arizona Administrator in California her "home" for the Summer
So yesterday my partner had a visitor that came for about a half an hour. I was in the middle of looking for my bathing suit and could not give as much attention to our visitor as I wanted. However I tried to be polite and find the time to sit down and "catch up" with this person I've met once before when I was on vacation in Arizona (in the winter of course).
Well bottom line I was so over the conversation and the path is was taking right away. She knows I believe in Union organizing and the beginning of our conversation I started to talk about maybe going into administration. "...well I can't stand the Unions. They keep bad teachers in the schools."
I replied, "That argument is at this point propoganda for people who do not know all the other work that teacher unions do as well. For example, I get paid for 35 hours of work if I was in a nonunionized charter school I would work sun up to sun down in the name of children. I no one would care if I have a family I need to go home to."
Her reply, "Well that is teaching for you."
"NO, well what about the mailman? You don't see him staying past the time the union/district agreed he should work because there is more mail? The union has been there for my family. For example, when my mom became disabled due to osteoperosis and the school didn't want to make any adjustments for her, who was there for her? The Union."
At this point, I have to admit, the search for my bathing suit started to become more important than my partner's guest who was looking like this "administrator in my living room".
We ended the conversation because it was becoming to heated and it was not the right space. However the question that lingers in my mind, how did Teacher Unions become the AntiChrist Overnight?
I'm sorry but where is the firing of administrators and the administrator's union in all this?
In San Francisco we have a Peer Evaluation Process when a teacher is bad and this was implemented because of our union.
How about the discussion be opened up to the fact that new teachers are taught using "trial by fire" methods in this country and no one seems to give a damn if they some how make it through.
Moral of the story, when looking for a bathing suit in a hurry and an someone in your own living room says I am not for the Union, put on the the Union Tshirt and tell them the best taqueria for the "summer home vacation" and go back to looking for the bathing suit.
So yesterday my partner had a visitor that came for about a half an hour. I was in the middle of looking for my bathing suit and could not give as much attention to our visitor as I wanted. However I tried to be polite and find the time to sit down and "catch up" with this person I've met once before when I was on vacation in Arizona (in the winter of course).
Well bottom line I was so over the conversation and the path is was taking right away. She knows I believe in Union organizing and the beginning of our conversation I started to talk about maybe going into administration. "...well I can't stand the Unions. They keep bad teachers in the schools."
I replied, "That argument is at this point propoganda for people who do not know all the other work that teacher unions do as well. For example, I get paid for 35 hours of work if I was in a nonunionized charter school I would work sun up to sun down in the name of children. I no one would care if I have a family I need to go home to."
Her reply, "Well that is teaching for you."
"NO, well what about the mailman? You don't see him staying past the time the union/district agreed he should work because there is more mail? The union has been there for my family. For example, when my mom became disabled due to osteoperosis and the school didn't want to make any adjustments for her, who was there for her? The Union."
At this point, I have to admit, the search for my bathing suit started to become more important than my partner's guest who was looking like this "administrator in my living room".
We ended the conversation because it was becoming to heated and it was not the right space. However the question that lingers in my mind, how did Teacher Unions become the AntiChrist Overnight?
I'm sorry but where is the firing of administrators and the administrator's union in all this?
In San Francisco we have a Peer Evaluation Process when a teacher is bad and this was implemented because of our union.
How about the discussion be opened up to the fact that new teachers are taught using "trial by fire" methods in this country and no one seems to give a damn if they some how make it through.
Moral of the story, when looking for a bathing suit in a hurry and an someone in your own living room says I am not for the Union, put on the the Union Tshirt and tell them the best taqueria for the "summer home vacation" and go back to looking for the bathing suit.
Common Core Standards, Differentiated Instruction, and More from Edutopia
Common Core Standards, Differentiated Instruction, and More
Common Core Resource Roundup
Feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of dense information out there about the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)? You're not alone. We've compiled some of the best resources to help you make sense of the initiative and join the conversation.
Persuasive Writing is a Key Focus in Common Core Standards
Blogger Heather Wolpert-Gawron on the benefits of having students go beyond “proving,” and instead focus on how evidence supports a strong argument.
How the Common Core Standards Tackle Problem Solving
Blogger Ben Johnson highlights how the standards help prepare students for the real world by encouraging critical thinking.
Feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of dense information out there about the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)? You're not alone. We've compiled some of the best resources to help you make sense of the initiative and join the conversation.
Persuasive Writing is a Key Focus in Common Core Standards
Blogger Heather Wolpert-Gawron on the benefits of having students go beyond “proving,” and instead focus on how evidence supports a strong argument.
How the Common Core Standards Tackle Problem Solving
Blogger Ben Johnson highlights how the standards help prepare students for the real world by encouraging critical thinking.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Initial Reflections as an Elementary Teacher in SFUSD planning to implement Common Core Standards next year.
Overall these are my Initial Reflections as an Elementary Teacher in SFUSD planning to implement Common Core Standards next year.
The California Website on Common Core is very poor in any type of support it only scratches the surface and really has no plan or reflection as to how to effectively implement this new approach. However I did find the following websites extremely helpful from other states and have attached a PDF from Kansas in regards to unpacking the Common Core and pitfalls. New York's engage: for support to teachers/administrators, Deleware's Common Core FAQ's (attached), Oregons's Website is very organized (see:, Kentucky's cross reference of state standards and common core standards would be helpful in California as well see math example ( attached mathematics crosswalk PDF), finally
the PTA guides to common core is helpful for me as a teacher and parent: (see:
It is my hope that as a SFUSD teacher, the district will:
1."Recommendations of the AFT on Standards Rollout "(see my blog or see will be adopted by SFUSD
2.Attention will be paid to the work already being done with Everyday Mathematics in the S.F. Elementary Schools
see this website/pdf for how they link:
3. That National Science Standards will not be put off to the side as they align with Common Core and benefit the shift in English Language Arts/Literacy and could be key to integrated subject learning and project based teaching strategies
4. That writing PDs will be the central focus for SFUSD when it comes to Common Core Adoption over the next 2 years
It is my hope that as a SFUSD teacher, the Union will:
1. Make a resolution on Common Core Standards to be presented at an Assembly Meeting by January 2013
2. That Advocacy for teacher evaluations in regards to Common Core Standards Teachers are an ongoing priority
3. That teachers who work on Common Core over the next two years (via PD) to implement curriculum by deadline are paid for overtime using Prop. A money
4. That the union will advocate for Elementary Teachers to have prep time in order to plan for the Common Core over the next 2 years
Well thanks for reading and have a good summer,
Common Core Resources from Lang. Arts breakout session Contact:
Common Core
Resources from Lang. Arts breakout session
State websites around common core (KS, DE, MA, OR, KY, NY)
Advocate to AFT about sites (so states are not all
reinventing the wheel of discovering sites)
Where is the union/teacher voice around intervention when
the student is not at grade level? Ways to access Common Core for these
Professional Learning around the “what” of the common core
Wish List/Solutions
o PD
on what and hos
o Examples
of Models
o Make
connections btw. What we do and what the CCSS asks us to do
o Time
– available time on CCSS
o Need the technology & prepare students
to use the technology
o Need
a clear picture of teacher/student accountabilities (stated driven – consult
o Advocate
as teachers assessment screening
o Begin
to interject the instructional shifts into current curriculum while mapping
o Crosswalk
teacher standards with CCSS
Recommendations of the AFT Ad Hoc Comm. on Standards Rollout
I took a lot of notes when reading this key points included:
1. "Less Superficial" content to cover each year and therefore more to devote to mastery, thereby making teaching and learning more effective for all;
2. AFT will increase its advocacy to ensure appropriate use of assessments and inclusion of all essential disciplines (e.g. science, social studies, the arts, physical education)
3. Collective bargaining and collaborative agreements between unions and school districts can an should be used to promote collaborative, effective and innovative approaches to rolling out the standards;
4. SHIF IN CULTURE: "The AFT believes deeply that the current test-and test-prep-obsessed approach to education has been harmful in many ways, including narrowing the curriculum, limiting the time for teachers to engage children, decreasing the emphasis and opportunity to engage in project-based learning and the building of critical and analytic thinking skills, and increasing stress on students, parents and teachers.
5. The current accountability system emphasizes teacher accountability and fails to hold any others accountable for student achievement.
6.. The AFT will develop a "tool kit"
AFT will support districts
School, district, and state admins along with teacher educators and professional orgs. must participate in the same professional develop.
"Assessments should be tools to help teachers guide and plan instruction and should not be used inappropriately-in ways that distort instruction and prevent students from developing the thinking and analytical skills described in the CCSS.
I took a lot of notes when reading this key points included:
1. "Less Superficial" content to cover each year and therefore more to devote to mastery, thereby making teaching and learning more effective for all;
2. AFT will increase its advocacy to ensure appropriate use of assessments and inclusion of all essential disciplines (e.g. science, social studies, the arts, physical education)
3. Collective bargaining and collaborative agreements between unions and school districts can an should be used to promote collaborative, effective and innovative approaches to rolling out the standards;
4. SHIF IN CULTURE: "The AFT believes deeply that the current test-and test-prep-obsessed approach to education has been harmful in many ways, including narrowing the curriculum, limiting the time for teachers to engage children, decreasing the emphasis and opportunity to engage in project-based learning and the building of critical and analytic thinking skills, and increasing stress on students, parents and teachers.
5. The current accountability system emphasizes teacher accountability and fails to hold any others accountable for student achievement.
6.. The AFT will develop a "tool kit"
AFT will support districts
School, district, and state admins along with teacher educators and professional orgs. must participate in the same professional develop.
"Assessments should be tools to help teachers guide and plan instruction and should not be used inappropriately-in ways that distort instruction and prevent students from developing the thinking and analytical skills described in the CCSS.
Principles for Effective Implementation of the Common Core State Standards with English Learners by Diane August
Bullet Points from Conference
Diane August, Ph.D, American Institutes for Research
1. Select Grade Appropriate Standards and Text
2. Provide Additional Support for ELs
3. Develop ELs Foundational Skills
4. Recognize that First Language Skills and Knowledge Are a Resource
5. Promote Collaboration and Coordination
6. Incorporate Peer Work and Peer Interaction
7. Meet the Needs of Every Student in a Classroom
8. Make Student Engagement a High Priority
9. Ensure that Methods and Materials Have a Strong Research Base
10. Extend and Expand Learning Opportunities
("skills can be taught using text at ELL's grade approp. lexile band)
Click on above for lexile band website from Diane August
Rec. Reading Book Title: "Raising Rigor in Reading"
Diane August, Ph.D, American Institutes for Research
1. Select Grade Appropriate Standards and Text
2. Provide Additional Support for ELs
3. Develop ELs Foundational Skills
4. Recognize that First Language Skills and Knowledge Are a Resource
5. Promote Collaboration and Coordination
6. Incorporate Peer Work and Peer Interaction
7. Meet the Needs of Every Student in a Classroom
8. Make Student Engagement a High Priority
9. Ensure that Methods and Materials Have a Strong Research Base
10. Extend and Expand Learning Opportunities
("skills can be taught using text at ELL's grade approp. lexile band)
Click on above for lexile band website from Diane August
Rec. Reading Book Title: "Raising Rigor in Reading"
Key Instructional Shifts of the Common Core Standards
I think this is an important tool to use when educating teachers and their practice regardless of grade.
I think this is an important tool to use when educating teachers and their practice regardless of grade.
Common Core Collaborations/Concerns from Conference
Below are pictures of other districts and collaborations. Also when I went to Language Arts Common Core Break Out sessions teachers from across the nation including teachers who have implemented CC shared their concerns. Pictures were taken of posters from that session
The AFT Quality Education Agenda
Start here as a basis for understanding teacher's across the nation and what we are facing. I appreciate this agenda as it is easier to unpack various headings in this agenda and backwards plan as a teacher/principal.
Start here as a basis for understanding teacher's across the nation and what we are facing. I appreciate this agenda as it is easier to unpack various headings in this agenda and backwards plan as a teacher/principal.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Common Core Slides from Smarter Balance Presentation
Notice how CA. data shifts depending on variables....
I appreciated that 1 of our teachers brought up to AFT the funding behind Smarter Balance.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
S.F. Group Brainstorm of Common Core Standards Community Resources/FAQs
Resources: PTA: Parent guides for CCSS on website When: Multiple ways and often Who: (10 Organizations) 1. Parents for Partners 2. PUC 3. Coleman Advocates for Families and Children 4. NWACP 5. YMCA, Beacon Center, Boys and Girls Club 6. Health Services-SFUSD 7. PTA 8. ACE: Alliance Of California's for Community Empowerment 9. SF Labor Council 10. Politicians: Mayor's Office, School Board 11. SF ED FUND 12. Parks and Recreation 13. City Arts & Science 14. Collaboration with South Bay - Silicone Valley 15. University Partners: City College, SF State, USF, Academy of Art, UCSF... 16. ARC - 17. Faith Based Organizations 18. California Achievement Council ?'s: Name the different opportunities/venues that we can share this information with our community partners. FAQ's: What are standards? How are they different? How will testing be the same, how will it be different? What will it look like inside and outside classroom? How will standards affect your child/students? Is it going to be harder for my student? What does this mean for my child (special ed)? What does this mean for the language pathways? How is this going to help close the achievement gap? If my child is a GATE student, what does this mean? How is this different from traditional math coursework in High School? How do we know it's going to be better? How will this prepare my child for college and/or career in the 21st century? What are 21st Century Skills?
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