Overall these are my Initial Reflections as an Elementary Teacher in SFUSD planning to implement Common Core Standards next year.
The California Website on Common Core is very poor in any type of support it only scratches the surface and really has no plan or reflection as to how to effectively implement this new approach. However I did find the following websites extremely helpful from other states and have attached a PDF from Kansas in regards to unpacking the Common Core and pitfalls. New York's engage: http://engageny.org/ for support to teachers/administrators, Deleware's Common Core FAQ's (attached), Oregons's Website is very organized (see: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=2860), Kentucky's cross reference of state standards and common core standards would be helpful in California as well see math example ( attached mathematics crosswalk PDF), finally
the PTA guides to common core is helpful for me as a teacher and parent: (see: http://www.pta.org/4446.htm)
It is my hope that as a SFUSD teacher, the district will:
1."Recommendations of the AFT on Standards Rollout "(see my blog or see AFT.org) will be adopted by SFUSD
2.Attention will be paid to the work already being done with Everyday Mathematics in the S.F. Elementary Schools
see this website/pdf for how they link: http://everydaymath.uchicago.edu/teaching-topics/standards/
3. That National Science Standards will not be put off to the side as they align with Common Core and benefit the shift in English Language Arts/Literacy and could be key to integrated subject learning and project based teaching strategies
4. That writing PDs will be the central focus for SFUSD when it comes to Common Core Adoption over the next 2 years
It is my hope that as a SFUSD teacher, the Union will:
1. Make a resolution on Common Core Standards to be presented at an Assembly Meeting by January 2013
2. That Advocacy for teacher evaluations in regards to Common Core Standards Teachers are an ongoing priority
3. That teachers who work on Common Core over the next two years (via PD) to implement curriculum by deadline are paid for overtime using Prop. A money
4. That the union will advocate for Elementary Teachers to have prep time in order to plan for the Common Core over the next 2 years
Well thanks for reading and have a good summer,
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