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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Common Core in 2012/2013 Tips/Knowledge from AFT

Dear CCSS Stakeholders, (will attach files within the week)
I wanted to take a moment to touch base with you and share some new resources that have been released to support your work around the Common Core. I hope you find them helpful as you proceed through the implementation process. These links and documents will be placed in our drop box as well as referenced below in the body of this email. The drop box is in the process of being reorganized to make it more user-friendly.

Additionally, the AFT is sponsoring a webinar in partnership with the National PTA entitled, Facilitating a Conversation between Parents and Schools about the Common Core. The attached flier provides all the information you need in order to register. Many of the questions you generated during the Stakeholders Conference were used as the basis of the content for this event. Hopefully you will join us!

Please let me know if you have questions or need assistance with anything. I would love to hear how you are advancing in your efforts to implement the Common Core. Have you met again as a team? How have you engaged other stakeholders? What actions have you taken as a result of the plans your team put into place during the conference? Anything you’d like others to know?
Warm Regards,

PARCC sample item and task prototypes. Provides information and support educators as they transition to the CCSS and the PARCC assessments.

v  Be on the look out for sample task items and prototypes from Smarter-Balanced
Due to be released October 8, 2012

Common Core State Standards website (resources)
New research on text complexity

K-8 Publisher’s Criteria for CCSS Mathematics

Publishers Criteria for CCSS ELA K-2/3-12

Tri-State Quality Review Rubric for ELA/Literacy

National Humanities Center - collection of primary resources--historical documents, literary texts.

Melanie A. Hobbs
Assistant Director | AFT Educational Issues Dept.
T: 202-879-4495 |  E:
American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO
555 New Jersey Ave. N.W. | Washington, DC 20001 | 202-879-4400 | |

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